Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
The Original Idea:
101 Things in 1001 Days
Years: 2.75
Months: 32
Weeks: 143
Days: 1001
Start Date: October 9, 2008
Finish Date: July 7, 2011
- The List
Complete it!- For every task achieved, deposit $5 into my savings account.
- For every task left incomplete, donate $5 to charity.
- Compile a new list before July 7, 2011!
- Get one other person to participate in the 101 Things in 1001 Days Challenge.
- Blog about every accomplished goal on the list (15/101)
Live in another country for at least one year.Visit 5 new countries for longer than 24 hours(13/5)
- Wassenberg, Germany
- DΓΌsseldorf, Germany
- Paris, France
- London, England
- Edinburgh, Scotland
- Dublin/Arklow, Ireland
- Brussels, Belgium
- Torino, Italy
- Mantova/Brescia, Italy
- Juan Les Pins, France
- Bangkok, Thailand
- Chiang Mai, Thailand
- Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Berlin, Germany
- Venice, Italy
- Amsterdam, Holland- Make at least 5 close friends abroad (3/5)
- Kate
- Michael
- The Bonometti's - Go on a real road trip.
Find and write to a pen pal in another country.Meet up with a friend and travel somewhere new together.Visit a continent other than Europe or North America.- Southeast Asia: Thailand
- Middle East: United Arab Emirates- Get an international drivers license.
- Learn 5 foreign customs (0/5)
Visit a friend from a differing home town (not Hawaii).- Get a nice map to push pin all the places I've been and want to go.
- Exercise (Yoga, swimming, running, biking etc.) for an accumulation of 1 hour every week (8/143)
- Maintain a weight that is under 108 lbs.
- Participate in at least 20 outdoor activities (Hiking, surfing, skiing etc.) (3/20)
- Hiking Maunawili Falls, Hawaii, USA
- Climbing Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh, Scotland
- Climbing The Sugar Loaf, Wicklow, Ireland
- Make a different healthy dish once a month.
- Abstain from soda for one month 5 times (0/5)
- Participate in a walk for charity (ie. breast cancer awareness, MADD etc)
Reading & Writing
- Read a book every month (3/32)
- Blog at least once a week (20/143)
While living in Germany, take pictures and blog twice a weekWrite a blog everyday for one month(0/30)Purchase and carry a notebook to jot ideas as they come.- Submit writings, articles, comments until one gets published (0/1)
- Join a book club.
- Learn 3 new trades (1/3)
- Video Editing
- Perfect one old trade.
- Sell 5 creations (0/5)
- Make a mixed tape every two months and snail mail it to friends and family (7/16)
- Hand-make at least 8 Christmas presents (1/8)
- Video for Mom and Dad
- Sew a dress and wear it 5 times (0/5)
- Build a compost bin (or have one built for me).
Hand-make a birthday calender and send birthday cards.- Make a time capsule for every year and bury them (0/2)
- Make a treasure map for each time capsule and send it out to sea in a bottle (0/2)
- Build my first snowman.
- Rig up a rain barrel to collect water for my plants.
Start a succulent container garden.
- Eat at one new restaurant every month (2/32)
- Master cooking at least 10 new dishes (0/10)
- Start a food/restaurant blog and maintain it with at least one new entry a month (0/)
- Establish a productive vegetable garden.
- Throw a fabulous dinner party and cook everything myself.
- Join a cooking class.
- Have Grandma Hamora teach me the secrets of making sushi and then master it the way she has.
- Pickle my own cucumbers with home grown dill.
- Start and maintain a personal cookbook of recipes that have tried and liked.
Have a meal with an old friend.
Wine & Beer
- Take a class on wine appreciation.
- Brew my own alcohol (beer, wine or otherwise).
- Grow my own hops.
- Go to a pub and drink beer from a mug.
- Find a favorite local alcoholic beverage for every country I visit.
- Start a collection of my favorite wine varieties, totaling at least 7 bottles (0/7)
- Master the making of one cocktail that involves 3 or more ingredients.
- Finish reading the Bible
- Attend the same church for a period of at least 25 Sundays (0/25)
- Participate in 5 church activities (0/5)
- Attend a Bible study.
- Participate in Lent and succeed.
- Obtain an associates degree.
- Pursue a BA for at least 2 semesters (0/2)
- Become fluent in one language (0/1)
Learn to read temperatures in Celsius.- Develop a complete understanding of the metric system.
Learn to drive a stick shift vehicle.- Get lifeguard certified.
Take a self defense class.
Self Fulfillment
- Go horseback riding.
- Attend a concert for a band/artist in my top 10 list.
- Ride in a hot air balloon.
- Go sailing.
Abstain from biting my nails for two weeks, 5 times. (5/5)- Go fishing.
Participate in a cultural festival.- Hogmanay's Torchlight Procession; Edinburgh, Scotland.
Find a home for all the clothes in my junk bags.Get a professional massage or full body acupuncture.- Go on a picnic.
- Star as an extra in a movie.
- Sell my car.
- Throw a slumber party with more than 3 attendees.
- Deposit an accumulation of $2000 into my savings account.
- Have my palm read.
- Organize a garage sale.
- Throw a themed party!
- Agree to do 5 things that are currently unthinkable (0/5).
- Volunteer for 5 different events/causes (0/5)
- Send 10 random care packages to friends and family abroad (1/10)
- Grow flowers and give them away 10 times (0/10)
Nurse someone back to health.- Start an herb garden for somebody else.
- Surprise someone with a nice home made breakfast.
- Help to rehabilitate a sick or injured animal.
- Save all my coins, turn it into cash and treat someone to dinner.
- Do something just for the money.
- Donate said money to charity.
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