Wednesday, October 8, 2008

101 Things in 1001 Days

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

The Original Idea:
101 Things in 1001 Days

Years: 2.75
Months: 32
Weeks: 143
Days: 1001

Start Date: October 9, 2008
Finish Date: July 7, 2011
    The List
  1. Complete it!
  2. For every task achieved, deposit $5 into my savings account.
  3. For every task left incomplete, donate $5 to charity.
  4. Compile a new list before July 7, 2011!
  5. Get one other person to participate in the 101 Things in 1001 Days Challenge.
  6. Blog about every accomplished goal on the list (15/101)

  7. Live in another country for at least one year.
  8. Visit 5 new countries for longer than 24 hours (13/5)
    - Wassenberg, Germany
    - DΓΌsseldorf, Germany
    - Paris, France
    - London, England
    - Edinburgh, Scotland
    - Dublin/Arklow, Ireland
    - Brussels, Belgium
    - Torino, Italy
    - Mantova/Brescia, Italy
    - Juan Les Pins, France
    - Bangkok, Thailand
    - Chiang Mai, Thailand
    - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    - Berlin, Germany
    - Venice, Italy
    - Amsterdam, Holland
  9. Make at least 5 close friends abroad (3/5)
    - Kate
    - Michael
    - The Bonometti's
  10. Go on a real road trip.
  11. Find and write to a pen pal in another country.
  12. Meet up with a friend and travel somewhere new together.
  13. Visit a continent other than Europe or North America. - Southeast Asia: Thailand
    - Middle East: United Arab Emirates
  14. Get an international drivers license.
  15. Learn 5 foreign customs (0/5)
  16. Visit a friend from a differing home town (not Hawaii).
  17. Get a nice map to push pin all the places I've been and want to go.
    1. Health
    2. Exercise (Yoga, swimming, running, biking etc.) for an accumulation of 1 hour every week (8/143)
    3. Maintain a weight that is under 108 lbs.
    4. Participate in at least 20 outdoor activities (Hiking, surfing, skiing etc.) (3/20)
      - Hiking Maunawili Falls, Hawaii, USA
      - Climbing Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh, Scotland
      - Climbing The Sugar Loaf, Wicklow, Ireland
    5. Make a different healthy dish once a month.
    6. Abstain from soda for one month 5 times (0/5)
    7. Participate in a walk for charity (ie. breast cancer awareness, MADD etc)

      Reading & Writing
    8. Read a book every month (3/32)
    9. Blog at least once a week (20/143)
    10. While living in Germany, take pictures and blog twice a week
    11. Write a blog everyday for one month(0/30)
    12. Purchase and carry a notebook to jot ideas as they come.
    13. Submit writings, articles, comments until one gets published (0/1)
    14. Join a book club.

    15. Learn 3 new trades (1/3)
      - Video Editing
    16. Perfect one old trade.
    17. Sell 5 creations (0/5)
    18. Make a mixed tape every two months and snail mail it to friends and family (7/16)
    19. Hand-make at least 8 Christmas presents (1/8)
      - Video for Mom and Dad
    20. Sew a dress and wear it 5 times (0/5)
    21. Build a compost bin (or have one built for me).
    22. Hand-make a birthday calender and send birthday cards.
    23. Make a time capsule for every year and bury them (0/2)
    24. Make a treasure map for each time capsule and send it out to sea in a bottle (0/2)
    25. Build my first snowman.
    26. Rig up a rain barrel to collect water for my plants.
    27. Start a succulent container garden.

    28. Eat at one new restaurant every month (2/32)
    29. Master cooking at least 10 new dishes (0/10)
    30. Start a food/restaurant blog and maintain it with at least one new entry a month (0/)
    31. Establish a productive vegetable garden.
    32. Throw a fabulous dinner party and cook everything myself.
    33. Join a cooking class.
    34. Have Grandma Hamora teach me the secrets of making sushi and then master it the way she has.
    35. Pickle my own cucumbers with home grown dill.
    36. Start and maintain a personal cookbook of recipes that have tried and liked.
    37. Have a meal with an old friend.

      Wine & Beer
    38. Take a class on wine appreciation.
    39. Brew my own alcohol (beer, wine or otherwise).
    40. Grow my own hops.
    41. Go to a pub and drink beer from a mug.
    42. Find a favorite local alcoholic beverage for every country I visit.
    43. Start a collection of my favorite wine varieties, totaling at least 7 bottles (0/7)
    44. Master the making of one cocktail that involves 3 or more ingredients.

    45. Finish reading the Bible
    46. Attend the same church for a period of at least 25 Sundays (0/25)
    47. Participate in 5 church activities (0/5)
    48. Attend a Bible study.
    49. Participate in Lent and succeed.

    50. Obtain an associates degree.
    51. Pursue a BA for at least 2 semesters (0/2)
    52. Become fluent in one language (0/1)
    53. Learn to read temperatures in Celsius.
    54. Develop a complete understanding of the metric system.
    55. Learn to drive a stick shift vehicle.
    56. Get lifeguard certified.
    57. Take a self defense class.

      Self Fulfillment
    58. Go horseback riding.
    59. Attend a concert for a band/artist in my top 10 list.
    60. Ride in a hot air balloon.
    61. Go sailing.
    62. Abstain from biting my nails for two weeks, 5 times. (5/5)
    63. Go fishing.
    64. Participate in a cultural festival. - Hogmanay's Torchlight Procession; Edinburgh, Scotland.
    65. Find a home for all the clothes in my junk bags.
    66. Get a professional massage or full body acupuncture.
    67. Go on a picnic.
    68. Star as an extra in a movie.
    69. Sell my car.
    70. Throw a slumber party with more than 3 attendees.
    71. Deposit an accumulation of $2000 into my savings account.
    72. Have my palm read.
    73. Organize a garage sale.
    74. Throw a themed party!
    75. Agree to do 5 things that are currently unthinkable (0/5).

    76. Volunteer for 5 different events/causes (0/5)
    77. Send 10 random care packages to friends and family abroad (1/10)
    78. Grow flowers and give them away 10 times (0/10)
    79. Nurse someone back to health.
    80. Start an herb garden for somebody else.
    81. Surprise someone with a nice home made breakfast.
    82. Help to rehabilitate a sick or injured animal.
    83. Save all my coins, turn it into cash and treat someone to dinner.
    84. Do something just for the money.
    85. Donate said money to charity.

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